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PLS System


Designed for respiratory and circulatory support, the PLS system is designed to be applied for up to 14 days with a PLS set, HLS cannula with BIOLINE coating.

The PLS set consists of a ROTAFLOW centrifugal pump, a PLS-i Oxygenator, and a BIOLINE coated tube.


-The low resistance of the PLS-i Oxygenator and the high efficiency of the ROTAFLOW centrifugal pump minimize blood damage.

-HIT Set PLS Plus is specifically designed for use for up to 5 days with SOFTLINE coated HLS cannula for patients allergic to heparin.

-PLS Set Plus and HIT Set PLS Plus have been modified for blood filtration or CRRT connection.

Set change: Two additional connectors with Luer locks have been added to connect the line for blood filtration or CRRT between the pump and oxygen supply.

Rotaflow Console


The Rotaflow console is an independently operated one-power pump with its own battery backup and power supply.

The Rotaflow Centrifugal Pump System offers state-of-the-art centrifugal pump technology for maximum performance and safety. The circulating centrifugal pump system is a natural part of the HL 20 Heart-Lung Machine and can also be used as a completely independent standalone unit.


-Compact design allows you to see all important information at a glance.

-You can grasp the information collected from the flow sensor and bubble sensor at a glance.

-It is possible to accurately measure the amount of blood flow discharged from the pump by using ultrasonic technology.

-Swivel-joint bracket makes the placement of centrifugal pumps efficient.

-The special cooling system enables quick and easy cleaning of the machine.

-Emergency drive is designed to handle the mast safely and fasten it.

-RPM is displayed on the built-in LED even during manual operation.

Rotaflow Drive Unit

Rotaflow Emergency Drive


The Rotaflow console is an independently operated one-power pump with its own battery backup and power supply.

The Rotaflow Centrifugal Pump System offers state-of-the-art centrifugal pump technology for maximum performance and safety. The circulating centrifugal pump system is a natural part of the HL 20 Heart-Lung Machine and can also be used as a completely independent standalone unit.


-Compact design allows you to see all important information at a glance.

-You can grasp the information collected from the flow sensor and bubble sensor at a glance.

-It is possible to accurately measure the amount of blood flow discharged from the pump by using ultrasonic technology.

-Swivel-joint bracket makes the placement of centrifugal pumps efficient.

-The special cooling system enables quick and easy cleaning of the machine.

-Emergency drive is designed to handle the mast safely and fasten it.

-RPM is displayed on the built-in LED even during manual operation.



PLS Set is used to support extracorporeal breathing and cardiovascular function.

Venous blood is delivered by a Rotaflow centrifugal pump. This pump delivers blood back to the patient through the Quadrox-i Oxygenator.

PLS Set Plus / HIT Set PLS Plus has two additional connectors with luer locks between the Rotaflow Centrifugal Pump and Oxygenator, and can be used for hemofiltration or hemodialysis.


The PLS Set is a pre-connected set that contains the following components:

-PLS-i Oxygenator

-ROTAFOLW Centrifigure RF-32

-Connection tube

-BIOLINE Coating or SOFTLINE Coating

-Priming set





The QUADROX-i Oxygenator is designed with versatility and patient customization in mind.


-QuadroX-i system is built in a modular way, making it a complete and customizable


-All QUADROX-i Oxygenators use microporous membrane


Rotaflow Centrifugal Pump



Centrifugal blood pumps are devices that deliver incoming blood to the outflow port using a rotating rotor.

The simple and sophisticated design of the Rotaflow RF-32 centrifugal pump is one of the smallest centrifugal pumps available. It is the perfect choice for high performance situations and reliable.


-The rotor of the ROTAFLOW centrifugal pump is stopped by a permanent magnetic field.

-One-point sapphire bearing and low priming volume, combined with a continuously increasing helical flow channel towards the outlet, ensure smooth blood handling and hydraulic optimized blood flow.

-Ideal blood pump without shaft or seal.

-SOFTLINE coating and BIOLINE coating are optional.

-Minimum priming volume (32ml)

-Minimum surface area

-Non-congested blood areas and hot spots

-Minimum hemolytic index

-Minimum MTT (average transit time)

-Hydraulic optimized flow channel

-Siral housing for best flow rate

-Low friction one point bearing (sapphire ball & PE carat)

Venous Hardshell Cardiotomy Reservoirs

VHK70000 VHK 71000


The new generation of venous hard heart incision reservoirs with unique features embodied in an innovative design can be used for adults and small adults.

The special conical shape combines optimal flow dynamics with excellent internal visibility.

Excellent removal of microbubbles and minimal operating volume and dynamic fixation capacity are reduced to a minimum.

Individual positioning is possible via the rotary suction connector module and the venous inlet connector.

Ergonomics are optimized to ensure good and safe use.

The VHK 71000 reservoir is optionally available with SOFTLINE Coating or BIOLINE Coating.


-Nique functionality implemented in innovative design: The special conical shape combines optimal flow dynamics with the best internal visibility.

-New filter concept-Excellent micro-bubble removal thanks to the unique flow control of the filter cartridge at the bottom of the filter cartridge.

-Less blood dilution due to reduced volume.

-Minimum operating volume-Reduces to 150ml when used with the QUADROX-i Small Adult oxygenator.

Turbulence is minimized in the form of a conical reservoir.

-Use the new VHK 70000/71000 with a tested and proven QUADROX-i oxygen supply to achieve excellent perfusion results.

HLS Cannulae


The HLS Cannulae is designed for direct connection to venous veins and venous artery vessels.

Easy and reliable connection of peripheral blood vessels to extracorporeal circuits.


-HLS cannula with BIOLINE coating or SOFTLINE coating can be applied for circulatory and respiratory support.

It can be inserted by percutaneous or surgical incisions.

Cannulas are available in a variety of sizes and lengths.

-Seamless transition between the guide and the cannula tip

Reinforced with flat wire for the lowest wall thickness and high flow rate.

The cannula body is made of biocompatible polyurethane

Improved to use cannula up to 30 days (BIOLINE coating *)

-The guide tube is kept locked to keep the guide machine in place during insertion.

The risk of entanglement of the cannula is reduced by strengthening the proximal cannula body and strengthening the side holes.

A mark has been added to indicate the depth of insertion.

CardioHelp System


The CARDIOHELP system is the world's smallest portable cardiopulmonary support system designed to treat and transport patients in need of respiratory and/or circulatory support. It can be used in intensive care units, cardiac catheter operating rooms and emergency rooms.


-For myocardial or respiratory failure, it can be used for up to 30 days.

-Can be quickly deployed for transportation of patients in need of breathing and/or circulatory support.

-Designed to allow attachment of various consumables.

-It is designed to be quick and easy to use.

-Effective for all types of patient transportation, including intra-hospital transport or inter-hospital transport by helicopter or ambulance.

-Integrated Li-ion battery guarantees at least 90 minutes run time when fully charged

The CARDIOHELP system consists of the following components:




CARDIOHELP Emergency Drive

Cables and Sensors

Dongmyung Medical Co., Ltd.Address: Dongmyung Building, 300-13, Bugok-dong, Geumjeong-gu, Busan Phone: 051-323-9310~1

Fax: 051-323-9312 COPYRIGHT(C) 2019 BY dmmed. ALL RIGHTS RESSERVED.


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